General Info
Name: Vicky Reeves
Age: 34
Location Hampshire
What made you a fan of Power Rangers?
I became a fan of Power Rangers right back at the beginning in 1993 with the original MMPR. I was either 6 or 7 and was absolutely hooked. Kimberly was my instant favourite and remains so to this day. It was the stories and the ever consistent ‘don’t give up no matter what’ message that stays with me to this day. Also the zords combining together, was enough to make me a fan as the end results always looked amazing.
Who do you cosplay as?
My main cosplay is my mighty morphin pink ranger. But I do also have completed Zeo yellow, Lost Galaxy pink, Lost Galaxy yellow and Dino Fury pink. Most recently I have also completed the mighty morphin yellow ranger.
What are your future plans?
- Finish my pink Time Force Ranger
- Finish my custom purple In Space Ranger
- White Force White
- Mighty Morphin Pink from the 1995 movie