David S’s Profile

General Info

Name:David S

Age: 42

Location Belfast

What made you a fan of Power Rangers?

To be honest, I never actually watched an episode of Power Rangers until I got together with Darren. I knew he was a massive power rangers fan and decided to cosplay a power ranger with him as part of a couple of cosplay. My favourite colour is green so I wanted to do a green ranger. So Darren said “Sit down and watch Power Rangers with me so you can see how Tommy moves & acts” That was it really. Now I’m a huge fan and love the time force season. We’re both hugely looking forward to meeting Jason Faunt in September at Comic Con Northern Ireland.

Who do you cosplay as?

MMPR Green Ranger

Ninjetti Green Ranger

What are your future plans?

  • Time Force Red
  • Dino Fury Green
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