Chris’s Profile

General Info

Name: Chris

Age: 32

Location: Kent

What made you a fan of Power Rangers?

I first became a fan of the power rangers when I was a child and original powers came to TV in the UK. There I followed the rangers series keeping alive my love for the original power rangers. The impact it had on me as a child provided the passion I needed to cosplay power rangers which then inspired me to get my suit and take my place as the white ranger and leader of the rangers of Zordon cosplay team.

Who do you cosplay as?

My main cosplay is the white mighty morphin power ranger.

Some of my other cosplays include the white ninjetti ranger, the blue zeo ranger, I also have a custom made serpentera power ranger costume inspired by the mighty morphin series.

What are your future plans

  • 1995 movie White Ranger
  • In Space Ranger
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